Is it weird to be called a good boy?
My wife has a habit of calling me a good boy and I usually respond with a noise that a man normally shouldn’t make.
Just last night, I was on a facetime call with a friend talking about basketball and my wife asked me if I did the household chores.
I said yes and then she called me a good boy before patting my head, and then I made a weird noise. My friend, who saw and heard everything, told our other friends.
This morning I woke up to like 50 messages of them making fun of me for being called a good boy. One of them even said I’m a submissive bottom for my wife.
I am so confused because it’s just a cute thing me and my wife do. I just don’t get it.
Netizens’ comments
- Who gives a f what ur friends think if you don’t like it speak up about it, if you do then whatever bruh
- It’s so sweet and wholesome, and makes you feel loved – please don’t let them ruin this for you.
- If the only thing they have on you is jokes regarding your healthy relationship with your wife, then it says a lot more about them than it does you.
- Don’t let other people dictate how your relationship should be. Your relationship is ONLY between you and your wife.
- I call my husband a good boy when he finishes all his food I make him. He loves it. Honestly every person and relationship is different. I’m sorry your friends are giving you a hard time about it, but don’t let them influence the dynamic of your marriage if you like it.
I would say maybe tell your wife not to say it in front of the boys if that would be easier for you. Or go to the group chat and say something like that’s enough I’m happy with my wife and I love the way we are, if that’s too much for you guys to accept then eat rocks. - That’s just a cutesy couple thing and it makes you feel wholesome. My parents do the same thing yet my dad at the same time is super “manly” in the traditional sense. Your friends are lame and haven’t been loved lol.