Suddenly feel that most people around me are in debts. Either owe credit card or bank loan to satisfy their lifestyle.
They simply scared people despise them, borrow to buy and go for expensive meals to post on fb or Instagram. Just to show off that they are doing well but actually not.
They can every month just pay interest and still owe the credit card more than $10k. But you can see them buy this buy that go holiday, shopping and post that their kids go 1 round of the shopping mall can spend few hundred bucks.
I really don’t understand why they can’t just pay off the debt and enjoy later. Imagine their income 3-4K per month and owe credit card and bank loan about 20-40k.
Every month use 1-2k to repay loan and interest, need to wait how long can pay off? Curious to know! ????
I seriously find that he/she do not know how to manage their finances?
Ps: these people still can show off telling people he/she earn alot. I got the urge telling them wake up from your dream and face the reality! Your kids will suffer too because they learn from you.
Netizens’ comments
- Blame ig n social media. Last time friends can only show off in front of u once a year during gathering. Now they can show off to u everyday.
- Too many people wanna look good, too little income. Thus, kaput
- Depends. My credit card offers 0% interest rate. So I just take it as a monthly cost to spread out my big purchase/splurge.