A teenager crafted his own weapons with household items like knives and bamboo poles and took a photo of his homemade weapon.
He even used that photo as his Whatsapp profile picture. The boy later said he would follow the example of the local high school hacking case and wreak havoc at his school.
According to Shin Min Daily News, the 14-year-old boy asked his mother for tape and a knife and used it to craft the weapon.
After updating his profile picture with the weapon on his Whatsapp, his schoolmates and teacher saw the photo, took a screenshot, and forwarded it to his mother. His mother stated that her son had erratic behaviour and uncontrollable outburst. She was frightened and reported to the police.
Erratic Behaviour
He ever brought a knife to school and threw his mobile phone out of the window when he was told to submit his homework.
The boy was later diagnosed with social communication disorder and adjustment disorder and required supervision and counselling.
Whenever he was in a bad mood, He would often throw iron pots at his mother, and said that he would follow the example of the murder case in a local middle school and wreak havoc in the school.
The judge finally sentenced him to a juvenile reform centre for 6 months.