A netizen shared how her mother has been overreacting and blowing up over the most trivial of things and that their family has no idea what is making her so upset all the timie.
Here is the story
My mum has always had a quick temper since young, yet it has very much worsened over the last few years as she entered her 60s.
Nowadays, she yells at me and my dad every single day. Even for trivial matters like us occasionally forgetting to close the door, or us taking slightly longer to find things that she asks for, she will make a big deal out of it and make loud, hurtful remarks such as “Father and daughter both equally dumb”, “One day if I die, both of you won’t survive, only I know how to run the household here”, “It’s so tiring taking care of your father and you, I just want to check in to old folks home and rest.”
It happens every single day, although my dad and I have been trying whatever we can to improve her mood e.g. buy her presents, bring her out to eat good food. We also try our best to help her with housework. But nothing seems to work.
Generally, it is very hard to communicate with her, because everything we say to her, she will respond passive-aggressively or nitpick about our choice of words. So, nowadays we just keep quiet most of the time to avoid triggering her.
Even during meals and when we are outside, she speaks to us in an angry tone almost all the time. We really have no idea what is stressing her or making her so upset, it feels like she is just not pleased with my dad and my presence in her life.
Could my mum be having some mental health issues? If so, how can I effectively persuade her to get it treated (see a counsellor etc.)?
Or is this a common thing for older ladies her age and I just have to bear with it? My dad and I are really stressed having to face her on daily basis, especially now I am home all the time since I still 100% WFH now and I just broke up with my bf recently.