31.6 C
Friday, June 28, 2024


My advice to all young ladies out there


Don’t get married. Yep. I said it. DO NOT GET MARRIED. It’s a scam that’s so normalized that nobody even realizes it’s a scam.

I mean it. And I am not some bitter old woman. On the surface I appear to be a moderately successful professional married to another (seemingly) successful white collar professional, and let me tell u… I am miserable af.

Marriage is basically paying half for everything like a housemate (nowadays the boys all want to split everything 50:50), and yet you’ll be doing all the household chores and taking on all the unpaid labor, and whole day you’ll be busy cleaning up after somebody’s dustyass son.

God only knows why I signed up for this shit show. My life would probably have been a lot better if I didn’t get married and remained single.


Don’t just take my word for it. ALL of my married lady friends regret getting married and none of them would want to get married again if they could turn back the clock.

Some of them are now divorced, and still having to co-parent with a shitty ass guy who’s out to make their lives miserable & on top of that are horrible shitty fathers.

Most guys nowadays aren’t looking for a wife. They just want a new mommy who can cook and clean up after them. Bonus if the new mommy is good looking and/ or has a nice body they can whack at night. That’s all they’re after.

I’ve no doubt that the comments will be filled with these pathetic man-children whining about how women bring nothing to the table.

We are the whole table, b*tch. We make our own money, we buy our own shit, we can cook our own meals and we can make ourselves cum better than u ever can.


What do *YOU* bring to the table, besides a bland AF personality, zero dress sense (let me guess- your whole wardrobe is from Uniqlo & G2000?), average pay check ($3-5k LOL) and average dick (5-6 inches LOL)?

So pls for the love of God, ladies don’t get married. Listen to me. Don’t make the same shitty mistake I and along with so many other ladies made. You’ll thank me in the future when you watch all your other friends get married and then divorced.

And the G wonders why the marriage and birth rate are dropping year after year. Look at the quality of the guys. Totally CMI.

The women have been stepping up and most of us are in the workforce working full time now and financially contributing to the household; as compared to our parents generation.

But men? Can’t even fry an egg to save his own life. Yet every expense wanna split 50:50. Hard pass.

If you’re already engaged it’s not too late. Call it off. I don’t care if you’ll lose money. Better to lose money than your time. It’s also much worse and much more expensive to get a divorce.

If you’re dating, just date him for fun. Date him to satisfy your own needs and for companionship, but focus on your own career and yourself. Don’t need to get too serious. Treat him as a fun hobby. Nothing more. No need to legally bind yourself to one person.

And if he’s not treating u like an absolute queen while you’re dating, PLS don’t waste your time. He’s not going to step his game up after marriage. If he’s not at least a 9.5/10 during courtship, don’t bother. It’s only downhill from there. If he’s only a 5-6 now, he will be a 1-2 after marriage. Confirm plus chop. Don’t say nobody tried to warn u.

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