Uncle Wong a 66 year old man got a job recommendation from his Church pastor at a student care center to work at a Christian primary school for 3 years.
To their horror for the school and students, it was there Uncle was made known to be a gay. During his 3 years of work there he sexually assaulted the boys there with the pretext of helping with their with homework and providing candy. On Sep 13, 2013 a guardian and two students saw Wong slide his hands below the table and inside a 10 year old boy’s shorts to play with his genitals.
Womg was reported to the student care center supervisor without haste. With immediate effect Wong was suspended from working at the center. Wong causally told the HR Manager that he can’t make out what went wrong or regarding the complaint so he had to just get his heart convince before God when he was suspended and request for a meet up in Chruch. Secretly, he told three of his victims at once to not reveal to anyone regarding the molestation.
On Feb 22,2017, Wong was sentenced to 10 years’ jail after several victims testified against him and the HR Manager reported to the police. Wong was charged 13 counts of sexual assault after molesting 11 boys and performing oral sex on a 11 year old boy involving boys aged 8 to 11.
Wong is currently out on $100K bail with his intention to appeal his conviction and sentence.