I’m 22F and he is 27M and we’ve been together for a year and a half. I thought he was my soul mate. I actually do not have any friends apart from a small circle that he allowed me to have and I really thought we would have a lifetime together.
When i found out I was pregnant last week, I wasn’t worried because I really thought he would be there 100%. He always said he never runs from his responsibilities. And i believed him.
However, he went to see a “psychic” she said i have been cheating on him with a man named “Alex”. The thing is, I do not know of anyone named Alex.
I have no exes, friends or even acquaintances named Alex. But he wouldn’t hear a word I have to say. The so called “psychic” also said that he is unable to father any children.
How is that so when I have living proof that it is untrue? I have never cheated on this man ever since we started dealing with each other. Even before we made the relationship official.
I had no intentions to because I valued our relationship too much. I’m just confused and angry that he left when I need him most because of something someone else said that I do not even understand! This is all too much!
I was set to finish my bachelor’s degree in 2022 but due to negligence on my part and not really caring for anything apart from my relationship and time spent with him, I will have to complete it this year which sets me back from the rest of my peers.
I know that I will eventually have to move on and care for my baby. My family is very supportive and they will no doubt help me in this time of hardship.
I just really thought that he’d be here. For me. For our baby. He just left, broke up with me via text like I meant nothing. Like our baby isn’t growing inside me as we speak. Like a DNA test isn’t a viable option if he has doubts. I would’ve let him get one if he really didn’t trust me. All he had to do was be here. I don’t even know if I’ll ever see him again. I’m just heart broken.