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Monday, July 1, 2024


Credit GoogleMaps

A woman has sought advice from netizens to check on herself if she was being too controlling towards her boyfriend.


According to her, her boyfriend has a bad eating habit of drinking a few glasses of coca-cola a day. He then stopped after she told him to do so. However, he starts to buy Lao Ban beancurd as a replacement and eating 3 servings a day.

She then snapped an told him to stop. He boyfriend felt upset and she felt sorry for him and wonder what she was doing was right or is she being too selfish.

In her post:

Am I a bad girlfriend for getting angry at my boyfriend for eating excessive sugary food because I’m afraid he would get diabetes and make me a widow in future?

I and my bf are in our mid 20s and we have been together for 4 years. He loves drinking coca cola and he used to drink a few glasses of coca cola a day. I would always remind him to cut down on his coca cola intake by telling him the effects of sugar on health. He gradually cut down to drinking only a glass a day.


Recently, he started eating Lao Ban soya beancurd a few times a week and he would buy 3 bowls of beancurd at one go and finish all 3 bowls in a day, usually as a dessert after breakfast, lunch and dinner. He’s been doing this for a few months and today, I finally snapped and told him to stop buying so many bowls of beancurd. I told him that I don’t want him to have diabetes and I don’t want to be a widow next time. He seemed upset but he tried to compromise by eating just 1 bowl of beancurd and giving the rest to his family.

Now I feel so guilty for making him upset and I can’t help but wonder if I am a selfish and controlling girlfriend. I understand that he’s constantly stressed out by work and therefore needs to eat sugary food to destress but I am worried he will suffer from poor health in future. However, he’s not worried about his health at all because he is lean and toned despite his love for sugary food and sedentary lifestyle.

He isn’t someone who would complain about things and even when he’s upset, he would rather keep quiet. When I asked him just now if I am being too controlling, he assured me that I am not controlling. But I can see that he’s unhappy about not being able to eat his beancurd freely. Am I a controlling girlfriend for trying to control his diet? Am I selfish for wanting him to stay healthy so that I can grow old with him :’(“

Credit NUSWhisper
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