A Singaporean family on a midnight grocery hunt, who was harassed by the infamous racist auntie who is in the spotlight recently for harassing others by accusing them of harassing her, has come out and responded to a video the woman took in 2019.
The humble family was gracious in their response, with one of the family members, Ismail, posting a statement on Facebook.
He revealed that they did not know of the videos until recent events have come to light.
He even said that the family would like to reach out to the racist auntie so that they can apologize to her if they made her feel uncomfortable in any way.
He added:
“Maybe we were too engrossed in peanut butter!”
He highlighted that they are aware that it’s an invasion of privacy, but all the family can do is report the video to YouTube.
He appealed to everyone to chill and relax, highlighting that one bad apple doesn’t represent the entire community.
He summed up his post, revealing that the family went for Smuckers’ Peanut Butter and Jelly in the end.
The racist auntie has since been terminated by her real estate company, had her YouTube account terminated by YouTube, and is being investigated by the police.

Image source: Ismail Tahir on Facebook, All Singapore Stuff and Beow Tan YouTube