Singles, do you get picked on or made fun of in the workplace?
To those singles out there, I’m curious to know, do you all get picked on or made fun of in the workplace?
Just to share my experience, my ex-supervisor once told me because I’m single, I’m expected to do more OT since I have no family commitments. I was like, WTF, this isn’t fair!
My older colleagues also like to keep asking me why I’m still single and they will keep persuading me to quickly get married. Some tried to matchmake me with other colleagues or even their relatives, which made me feel so awkward.
Sometimes I don’t understand why some people think that being single is weird and unacceptable.
Netizen’s comments
“I made a simple project.”
Them: Of course he can. He’s single with more time. If I’m single I could do that too.
“I managed to exercise/work out.”
Them: Of course he can. He’s single with more time. If I’m single I could do that too.
“I prevented World War 10!”
Them: Of course he can. He’s single with more time. If I’m single I could do that too.
“I invented Free Energy!”
Them: Of course he can. He’s single with more time. If I’m single I could do that too.
Just bringing my point across that they tend to downplay your efforts.