A lady shared a story of how she came back home one day and thought that it was her husband alone at the sofa having some ‘private’ moments and jokingly asked from the back if he needed help only to find out that it is her son instead.
Here is the story
“I am married to my husband and together we have two children. Our daughter K and our son D.
K has lived away from home for the last year, and her and D have grown apart in that time. My husband and I decided to have D go spend the weekend with K, and Thursday night we dropped him off with her.
Fast forward to Saturday evening, I come home from work, thinking I’m home alone. I open the door into my living room and my husband is watching a movie and he’s clearly having some ‘private’ time.
Out of shock, I instantly shut the door and laugh to myself. I knock on the door and ask “Let me know if you need a hand-or a mouth-in there.” I get no response so I go into my room, thinking nothing of it. My husband and I have an understanding that sometimes we need some private moments just by ourselves, so I left him be.
It wasn’t until I watched my husband walk through our front door that I realised my mistake.
I went out of my room to see my son on the sofa instead. K and him had gotten into a fight and she took him home a day early. He does not look pleased to see me. I begin laughing my head off, and I explain and apologize to D, and I leave him alone.
It’s been almost a week now and he’s still in shock by the whole thing, but my husband and I think it is hilarious.
I also asked my skinny husband to put on some weight, so I don’t get the two of them confused again.”
Image source: unsplash.com