Sometimes I rly wonder if my husband is even listening to me at all.
Whateva I say he will always orh orh orh but none of it he rmbs one! I tell him to throw the rubbish before he sleeps if not will attract pests he orh orh orh, next morning I wake up I see the rubbish still there some more got one trail of ants beside.
I tell him that weekend we gonna visit his family so need to buy some fruits to bring over, he orh orh orh then in the end also never buy still got the cheek to ask me if we are visiting them.
Got one time lagi best. I told him way in advance to take leave to go for our daughter’s graduation performance. He orh orh orh then on the day I ask him where is he, he told me he at work what’s wrong. Walao that one I rly burst blood vessel I tell you.
I just hang up on him and I think I didn’t speak to him for a week. I told our daughter her papa got urgent stuff to settle at work but I could tell that she was rly disappointed.
I rly don’t understand why his head so big but the memory space so small. Is he even interested in our family anot???
Here are what netizens think:
- Such a tragedy that the husband isn’t listening to the wife.
- So easy to prevent wife blood vessel want burst, just listen lah!
- Wah lau, husband really too “yeah yeah yeah” until like this? Husband should be more sensitive and understand wife ah, don’t just “yeah yeah yeah”
- Â Husband should know how to treat wife better, don’t let her blood vessel want burst ah!