My husband and I met in NUS and have been married for afew years. He recently started golfing on weekends and I’m somewhat upset cus hes basically gone for half the weekend, like totally radio silence no text no call nothing on golf days.
Anyway, one day I decided to prank him by hiding his gloves hoping to see if he will text me to ask if I’ve seen it, but NO he did not text at all, and I found it puzzling cus he complained about getting blisters in the past if he didn’t use gloves.
We never ever had trust issues but this actly got me paranoid and worried.
So, the next weekend I threw my air tag into his bag to check up on him. And my heart sank. He was totally not in any driving range or 9 hole but in some random housing estate. I waited for an hour anxiously before deciding to Grab there to confront him. Heng it was a landed property area so I could identify which house it was from the GPS. When I went up to the gate, figuring out if I should ring the bell, someone tapped me on the shoulder and when I turned around, I just blew up. I saw my husband’s best friend’s GF, in PJs and holding random dabao.
Never in my wildest nightmares did I imagine I’d be in such a situation. I started accusing her of monstrous stuff, and how homewreckers destroy lives and shit, and as I went on I noticed shock on her face slowly turn into confusion and then finally into -_-“. When I stopped to catch my breath, she just opened the gate and said come in and see for yourself.
When I entered the house, there my husband was, seated at the dining table, with 4 of his other guy friends, all with their laptops out, playing dota. Long story short, he started golfing after I got mad at him to stop playing stupid computer games as an adult, but I guess everyone needs their own hobbies. Yea…