A woman shared how she was snooping on her boyfriend’s Facebook and Instagram search history and found out that he has been looking up his ex girlfriends’ profiles.
She also found out that he has been messaging them behind her back.
Here is the story:
“I constantly find my boyfriend’s exes in his recent search history on Facebook and Instagram. One of which is an influencer who always post revealing pics and videos. Another is his old friend-with-benefits.
I caught him messaging her about a dish she posted. When I confronted him he said he just wanted to know where she got the food from (he never goes out to eat and he doesn’t even eat the dish she posted).
I explained to him how it’s not fair for him to keep in contact with his exes and that I didn’t like it.
He blew me off saying I was overthinking and it’s not that big of a deal.
I later found him loving these same females’ stories and pictures. Like reacting with the heart-shaped emojis. He never likes my pictures or stories.
Again he is blowing me off about it. Saying that if I would’ve never gone looking for it my feelings wouldn’t be hurt….
We’ve been together for 5 years and have a 2-year-old son. these issues may be small but the way he continues to disrespect me and neglect my feelings has me feeling like this may not last much longer.
Mind you these are only two incidents, there have been more and I hate how he’s playing over my emotions making me feel like I’m not good enough.
All I got was a simple “I apologize” like I’m not even worth a decent apology or an explanation. I’m a very sensitive person and he knows this.
He knows how much this is affecting me but he shows less and less concern every time.”