My 20-year-old daughter has a troubled relationship with her boyfriend who is one year older.
They’ve been dating since the age of 16 and break up constantly. She is moody and proud, always picks fights over small things and has a hard time apologizing.
I was widowed last year and she has been living with me ever since. She’s not a good girlfriend, but she’s a great daughter.
Last year I noticed that she uses a really stupid tactic to attract him. She keeps some important things from him and when she wants to get back together, she tells him to get them.
They talk, go to the bedroom and are together again. The funniest thing is that she always keeps important things hostage: school books, documents, work materials… This time it was a PlayStation 5.
I just don’t understand all this drama. They have broke up once more and I saw his console in a box. She wasn’t home, so I decided to send the box through a delivery app and text him to let him know.
He thanked me a lot. When she arrived, she noticed that the box was no longer at our house. I said what I had done and now she is mad at me.
She says I’m being an “extra” for having delivered an object that wasn’t mine. In my defence, I said the console wasn’t hers either.
She calls me a busybody and I’m feeling guilty, but I believe she needs to stop acting so immature.
Did I do wrong?
Netizens’ comments
Get your daughter some help and tell her you won’t tolerate this kind of behaviour in your house.
If she’s been doing this for years then the boyfriend is probably used to it, yet strangely doesn’t pack all his stuff up when he leaves.
This is a typical Stockholm syndrome, ur daughter might be a psychopath.