To all those who rate people by fractions or simply rate others by how much they earn and look. There’s always someone worse off than you.
I think I’m a 2/10 woman or maybe a 1/10. Simply based on how I look. It doesn’t matter how much I earn. By the way I earn around 6k and I’m already in my late 30s. I get passover for promotions because I don’t look like a leader or I’m not pretty enough to be in meetings with the others. I notice the high fliers usually are the better looking ones and they are very engaging when they speak with others. I know I have none of that charisma. This is my first and only job since graduation. I know I have no drive and I am content to not work my way up.
I have already planned to stay with my parents and take care of them until they pass on so that’s where my money is going should I pass on earlier than them.
All the men in my social circle have friendzoned me a long time ago. I have already resigned to the fact in this lifetime I will be attending everyone’s wedding but my own. I will be buying baby gifts for everyone else’s baby other than my own. I know my looks are way below average. So I never bothered with make up. I just made sure I’m neat, tidy and presentable for work.
I don’t put myself out there so there is zero risk in being rejected. I’ve also started to only hang out with friends who are also single like me because I am tired of the pitiful looks other couples give me. I also know no one will ever have anyone in mind to introduce to me.
I do feel miserable sometimes. But I know no man will ever want to date me or even get to know me romantically. There’s always another prettier girl. If there’s a group photo of girls, I’ll always be the ugliest one. The one that everyone don’t remember seeing in the picture.
I do have other hobbies. I watch k drama. I like BTS. I play online games. I read books. Most of the time, I live in solitude.
Without knowing my looks, would any man dare to give me a chance? No.
There’s always someone worse off than you.
To anyone still searching for their special someone, as long as you continue to search, they will be found.