I feel unloved and neglected by my husband. We have only been married for 4 months and the intimacy has gone from 2 times a week when we were dating, to once a month, now once every 2 months.
He doesnt show me the physical affection he used to show me when we were dating. He used to hug and kiss me spontaneously, now I have to ask for a hug and a kiss, and the kiss is just a quick peck on the lips or cheek.
I’m currently in my 3rd trimester awaiting the baby’s arrival and I know very well that once the baby arrives, the intimacy, the love, the affection will disappear entirely. I feel lost, unloved, and dont know what to do. I have asked him before about the lack of intimacy or affection after marriage and he said he is tired after work, which would be understandable, but he now has an assistant to help him with his workload at work as compared to not having an assistant and having to do all the work himself when we were still dating. Maybe he is no longer attracted to me anymore because of my huge pregnant belly? I honestly dont know.
I also feel like there is a wall between us. He is always using his phone to surf fb when we are in bed and we barely talk. I feel really unprepared for my baby’s arrival and I dont know whether he feels that way. He doesn’t even research on anything baby related to prepare for the baby’s arrival. I am always the one suggesting to go to baby fairs, courses, webinar, brainstorming what to get for the baby. I feel so unloved and neglected and I have no one to talk to about this situation I am in.
Here are what netizens think:
- He’s worried about lighting the flame and then creating a dent in the baby’s head.
- Married 4 months but last trimester pregnancy, was this a shotgun marriage? Sorry but if it was so, there is a high likelihood that he’s not prepared for parenthood. That might explain his disinterest. It’s best you find an opportune time to have a talk with him about his emotional distance.
- Some men are like that. Once you’re preggy he’s done with you. Its a shotgun marriage right? Sorry for being blunt.
- Normally advice and suggestions are helpful but you’re pregnant and he sheild be more sensitive, caring and empathetic instead of logging out conversationally and logging into Facebook.