My fiancé (32M) got violent with me (28F) for the first time. We are supposed to be getting married this month
I desperately need advice, I’ve been sitting on the floor crying for an hour because I have no idea what to do.
My fiancé who I have been with for 8 years got violent with me for the first time today. We were arguing when he suddenly grabbed me by the throat and pinned me against the wall. It all happened really fast.
He immediately apologised, asked if I was okay and then told me he needed to go for a drive to calm down. He isn’t back yet.
We’re supposed to be getting married on the 17th of this month.
I know the most obvious thing would be to cancel the wedding and leave him but ONE incident over the course of 8 years – is that really worth losing all the money spent on this wedding?
Is it worth losing the man that I love? I feel like I can’t think clearly. How am I supposed to deal with this situation?
Netizen’s comments
Cancel the wedding at the very least if you are not ready to leave him. But I suggest to get some distance at least or just leave him. The fact that it happened for the first time after a long time is not a guarantee that he won’t so it again.
Then therapy or whatever for the both of you. You might need help to get through what he did and he certainly needs it.