He cheated, died, now what
Edited: I posted before about finding out my husband of 16 years had died and I found out he cheated 2 years prior to him dying.
He ended it she’s still reaching out (doesn’t know he died) <she sent an email it went straight to his junk box, he had her blocked on his phone for everything.
so I had decided that yes he cheated yes he ended it fk he sucked but he was a decent husband and father.
I now have full access to his phone texts, email, etc and found out the for has cheated on me multiple times, both emotionally and physically.
He legit got happy endings from a sleazy massage parlor, and hooked up with women he met while on work trips at least 3 times.
He emotionally cheated by texting 2 specific women this year that are kind of known to me one by flirting and the other by saying he would be with her if it wasn’t with me then they proceeded to fkn sext.
Now here my problem where I need advice.
I’m meeting his family next week and they all thought the world of him (like I used to) one person was his confidant and she knows he would flirt with people. we had plans for this year that he made for us as a family
Do I let anyone else know my husband (who in some weird fkd up way I kinda still love) was a cheater and he has managed to leave me in debt.
To the world he looked like a great guy, amazing friend, good husband, dad, but in reality he was an okay husband and dad. He was an amazing uncle, & cousin to these ppl.
They think the world of him and are the only thing my kid still has of his dad. No I’m. Not telling my child his dad cheated, maybe when he’s much older but non now.
Everyone around me is still grieving him but part of me can’t. I miss the old idea of my husband but knowing what I do I kind of hate him and am just angry. If he was here I would yell and ask why but he’s not.
I’m in an angry confused place it’s been 3 months since he passed and I’m lost.