Can a relationship work with a large income disparity ?
I (29) have been with my bf(30) for about 2 years. Both of us really like each other and would like to settle down.
However, my parents do not approve of my bf because he is earning (about 2k) much lesser than me (about 8k).
My mom says I should find a guy who is earning the same as me or much higher, since a guy is supposed to provide.
I honestly do not mind providing for my bf (and do not mind if he wants to be a house husband). My bf is satisfied with his current job and does not want to change his job (especially if its just for my parents approval).
Another aspect that my mum is worried about is that my bf’s job does not have any stability and there is no career progression, which means that he will always earn about 2k.
I just want to seek advice from other people who have been in this situation. Am I being naive? Does a relationship with a large income disparity work?
If so, how do I convince my parents that we will be fine – as long as we have enough to support ourselves with?
Netizens’ comments
- It all depends on what you want in life. No wrong or right. Asking strangers will probably not help you much because at the end of the day, you clear your own shyt.
- You think you’re okay now. Wait till kids come into the picture and you’re the one having to fork out most of the expenses, or if you realise he doesn’t actually want to be a house husband…
Btw it’s not so much about how much he’s earning as his drive to improve in life. 上进心.
He’s only 30. Long way to go. Him being content with his lot in life and not improving himself means he’s likely to still be earning $2k at 50, that’s if his job isn’t redundant by then. You’re okay now because you haven’t paid for big ticket items like a house or car. Is your job guaranteed? Do you have passive income to sustain your future expenses? - Yes you are naive and yes in this respect, ur mum is fully correct….you live in SG and you don’t subsistence on love alone. You need advice on this? U need to move around more and eat more salt.