I remember when I was younger, the only thing I had to worry about when getting into a fight with another yp was maybe a few bruises from our fistfight.
We’d just throw a few punches, maybe a kick or two, and then walk away. It was all cool after a while and no one ever got seriously hurt. But things are different now.
YPs nowadays all crazy, use weapons instead of fists
Young punks nowadays are more dangerous than ever before because they seem to be using weapons during confrontations.
It’s like they have no regard for the consequences of their actions. I’ve seen them pull knives on each other and it’s really scary. They don’t even think twice about using deadly force.
I witnessed a fight between two groups of people previously. It was a real mess and I noticed that many of the members had penknives with them. I froze as I watched them draw the penknives and point it at their opponents.
I guess the days are gone where people still had regard for the lives of others.
Sad that they have all became like this
It’s sad to think that young punks are so willing to resort to violence and weapons in order to get what they want. It’s a sign of the times, I suppose, but it’s still a dangerous and frightening situation.
Unfortunately, I don’t think young punks are going to stop using weapons anytime soon. They seem to think they can get away with it and that they won’t suffer any consequences. But the reality is that they could end up in prison or worse, they could end up dead.
I hope that young punks come to their senses soon and realize that using weapons isn’t the answer. Maybe then, the streets will be a safer place.
Until then, all I can do is look out for myself and stay away from any potential trouble.