Hi there! I’m a 23yo female this year and I have recently started working after graduation in a pretty well paying job.
Things are looking up for me and I also have a hunch that my boyfriend is going to propose soon because he has been probing me alot about ring preferences alot in the recent months. T
BH he doesn’t really have any red flags and has alot of green flags: he’s kind, caring, family-oriented and gentlemanly. S is also very good and it helps that we both have high libido. Career-wise he is also doing very well too. I genuinely do see a future with him and want to start a family with him.
HOWEVER theres just 1 thing… He is 10 years older than me and we’ve been dating for about 10 years as well. And if you did the math… Well yeah, I think you’d get it.
It kinda was child grooming?
I’ll admit we starting having S really early on into the relationship (less than a year) and we have been active throughout. We also haven’t been using any protection but in his defence, it was a mutual decision.
Honestly I’m torn after doing some self-reflection.On one hand, i really love him and want to have a family. On the other I find it hard to come to peace with the past. I find it kinda messed up.
I’m afraid that others will know about the past and whether it will affect my ability to be a good mother to my children. I would say yes in a heart beat if he asked me for marriage a few months ago but now I’m not sure. Please advice this troubled girl!
Here are what netizens think:
- We drive looking forwards, not in the rear view mirror. If you can’t put the past behind, you simply aren’t ready at this stage. Give yourself and him more time.
- Marry him if you’re ok with the knowledge your soon-to-be husband is a child offender/pedocause that’s what he is. If he says he isnt, tell him to ask the police if what he did is ok.
- Dated for 10 yrs and u r 23. A 23 yr old in love with you as a 13 yr old. This is weird