Recently, my boyfriend and I met up with his sister for dinner. When we finished, the three of us stood in a circle on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant at Boat Quay, just chatting and saying our goodbyes. A minute later, two men turned the corner and started walking toward us.
It’s important to note: My boyfriend has very long, very pretty blonde hair. Since my boyfriend was facing away from them and wearing a long jacket, they must’ve thought he was also a woman. They shouted something along the lines of, “Looking for some D, ladies? (In Hokkien)”
Immediately, my boyfriend whipped around and fired back, “C’mon gentlemen, is that really how we treat women?” Their jaws dropped as they realized their mistake. They proceeded to put their heads down and muttered quiet apologies as they hurried past us, and the boyfriend shamed them even more, treating them like children who should know better. “That’s right, you SHOULD apologize.”
It sucks these men don’t respect women inherently—it is clear that they know their behaviour is wrong. It shouldn’t take another man calling them out to make it stop, but oftentimes it does. So men if ya see this behaviour, call it out.