I have been seeing my boyfriend for 8 months, He’s super funny and sweet. He’s currently out of job for health reasons but he’s actively looking for a new job. This is our first major fight and I’m not sure whether I was at fault here.
2 days ago, we spent the night together and he went to the store early in the morning to buy some groceries. unbeknownst to me, he took my ATM to shop with it. I got woken up by him calling asking me to give him my credit card PIN number, I was confused I asked why and he said he went grocery shopping with my card and forgot to ask me to give him the PIN before he left, I got mad and felt quite violated.
I told him I was sorry but I gave no permission for him to go out and shop using my card, he sounded confused and said he was just trying to buy us breakfast and it only cost $20. I said I was sorry but refused to give him the PIN number.
He obviously sounded upset and asked why. I told him that he didn’t consider getting my permission to take my card and use it. He said “alright then, guess no breakfast for us” then hung up. I called and called but no response. He returned and handed me the card back then, went on to complain about how he was just trying to buy us breakfast and that he wasn’t intending on making a huge purchase. I said I understood but it’s all about consent to me, He seemed pretty irritated and upset though he said it was fine, He left after this and hasn’t returned my calls.
He then texted that he wasn’t intending on stealing from me and that he thought that I wouldn’t make such a fuss about it and that he DID get my permission when he called to ask for the PIN number but I feel like it’s just me feeling like he violated my boundaries. He’s been upset since then saying I ruined our time together by making a huge deal out of it and embarrassing him at the store by making him return the stuff he bought at the register.
Gosh! I feel like I was wrong here but I think that he could’ve asked first.
I wanna hear what you guys think of this.