My boyfriend lied about getting an std test and now has tested positive
I don’t have a lot of friends and i need some advice. I found out recently my boyfriend gave me a lifelong std, he lied about getting tested when i got tested as well.
i told him my results were clean and he said his were also. well now i’m stuck with something and i feel like i’m stuck dating him as well.
Ever since i got the positive result i feel distant and i can’t process how i feel cuz he’s constantly trying to make things right.
He came to my work with a dozen roses, i was mortified and threw the flowers in the trash. the next day he called my work asking for me cuz i told him i was bored at work and he thought it would be funny. again mortified….
Everyone’s telling me to break up with him but i feel like i’m stuck because i don’t really want to date around with hsv2.
We’ve been dating less than 2 months and he tells me he loves me all the time. i don’t know how i feel anymore.
He says partners go through hardships but we need to work through it to make a relationship last.
Netizens’ comments
dump him. there are treatments they have now that will eventually make you undetectable, meaning you can’t spread it. go to your doctor and discuss treatment plans immediately