A lot of people seems fixated by which school you go to, the grades that you get, etc. I’m on a different track, especially when grooming my kid.
I teach him social interaction, empathy, identifying risks and problems, coming up with solutions, stamina, and perseverance and always have a backup plan.
I own and run a business with mid-8 figure revenue. I didn’t graduate from the top schools for my undergrad degree. I make up for it by taking up short courses at Ivy League schools. Even NUS, turned out quite disappointing for the lacklustre quality of teaching staff.
And why I teach my son all these, and why I’m practising them. In running a business, we can always hire Ivy Leagues to execute the business plans. But it takes more than the smart guys to run a business.
We need EQ to connect with people at a deep level, we need empathy to truly understand our customers and partners problems, we need out of the box thinking to come up with a solution as our customers and partners are staffed with the smart brains.
We need gumption to ask stupid questions so that we can really dive deep and understand the issues. We need humility to talk to people.
So to everyone, think differently. Grades and pedigree are important, but to be the top 1%, it is way more than that.
Here are what netizens think:
- Great insight, And I am aligned with your approach on kids, The people I hire in my team, the successful ones tend to have good EQ. Another important attribute is communication skills. That is paramount.
- Different strokes for different folks. Perhaps your kid may not like to go into business, even with the right guidance. Keep the options open and allow them the chance to learn and flourish in what they are genuinely keen on.
- You can just hire high EQ people to “connect with people at a deeper level no?” I mean being rich is not a path to being successful, its actually being successful. Stop joking around and just grow your child adequately enough such that hes not the stupid one who is gonna squander it.
- Humble-bragging about your “8 figure revenue” and being “the top 1%” certainly shows tremendous “EQ” in you