my(21F) boyfriend(22M) getting upset for me paying for lunch?
Hi guys, for some context, my bf and i have been together for about 1 year now.
hes the type of person that always wants to pay for food whenever we go out to eat. He said it makes him feel like a man and that be could provide for me.
time to time he’ll let me buy icecreams and smaller orders as such.
Recently though i know he’s been struggling with money and work is slow. Because of that he hasn’t been initiating going out because i feel like be thinks we have to spend money if we do.
We decided to get burgers for lunch and as it came time to pay i quickly used my card to pay for the meal.
He made a face and caught an attitude. I immediately saw the change and behaviour and thought “ yeah i messed up”
i thought it was a sweet thing to do not only bc he’s struggling but because i wanted to.
we sat down and he stares at me and says” don’t ever embarrass me like that again” that was humiliating and embarrassing.
maybe im a girl and i just dont understand so maybe im overthinking it. ive been in a terrible relationship in the past so i dont wanna overlook anything.