If you are sick, don’t come into work
I can’t believe I have to say this in 2022, especially since my work has the option of working from home. So I am part time in the office, I come in on Monday and am in line at the cafeteria. The guy in front of me apologizes to the cashier because he’s so sick he lost his voice. Ooookay?
I get to my desk and set up, guy at the next desk has a bad cough, the lady across the room can’t stop sneezing. I can hear people in respiratory distress all over the place. They are not even masked up. So I packed up and went home.
I am NOT getting Covid again because these idiots can’t be asked to at LEAST work from home when sick. Or take a sick day, I don’t care. GTFO. And we have a mandatory three hour all hands meeting next with with a couple hundred people packed into a conference room, IN PERSON.
This is unacceptable. It is like 2020 2021 never happened. Remember when we could only eat with others with a plexiglass wall between us? Remember having to prove you didn’t have a fever just to get in the door? Remember mandatory masking? Remember social distancing? REMEMBER STAYING HOME WHEN YOU ARE SICK? What was it all for?
As far as I know Covid never went away and now we are in the middle of flu season. I see this as a failure of management as much as a failure of common sense and I will be bringing it up to management.