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Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Teachers of SG, share your moments with parents that made you go “WTF?”


Gossiping about terrible parents is my favorite pass time with my colleagues. I’ve been a teacher since 2019 and I’ve had my fair share of parent-interactions. But this story my friend told me as a new teacher really made me go “WTF?”

My friend had a particularly unruly kid (aptly named Kayden). He was a menace in the school. And he made life difficult for all teachers and students in the school. He was THAT kid in the school. After much contemplation, my colleague decided that she should call his father down to the school to speak to him.

He was apparently a busy man and her moaned and groaned a lot about having to come down to the school but my friend thought it was absolutely necessary that she kept him on the loop ftf. My friend was absolutely professional (her words, but I believe it cos she’s a gem) and basically told his son off in a nice way. His dad rolled his eyes at several statements, and said that “All boys are like this growing up”

At the end of the meeting, he looked at his son and said “You better study hard now. If not one day you’ll become a teacher like her” and pointed his finger at her. My friend was so taken aback that she said nothing, but cried in the staffroom later that day instead.


I get that most parents aren’t this way, but I feel like there’s an increasing number of parents who think their children can do no wrong. Any stories you’d like to share, teachers?

Netizens’ comments

  1. Parent called me at night (8+ or 9+) because child (sec1) cannot download google slides in the phone
    We needed to do slides for a WA project
    I haven’t interacted w the parents before so I didn’t know I’m picking up a parent’s call & I didn’t think a parent would call me at that moment && for that reason
    that was when I realize I’m also in the IT support dept on top of the many roles
  2. Parents going through divorce, take turns to drop off and pick uqp children on different days. Due to miscommunication, came to pick up children on same day. Caused a scene in front of other parents and kids. We had to tell their children to go back first while we mediate and let them sort it out.
  3. Was a contract teacher for a very short period of time between 2011-2012. After 2012, i left MOE and decided not to go NIE but went to study medicinal chemistry to go back to my previous dream rather than continuing being a teacher. I admit I’m not cut out to be one. But that brief experience made me realize teachers have it hard both from the school admin and from parents.
    The most ridiculous one I ever had was one parent was wanting to know the scores of the other kids in the class. Apparently she was mad that her son wasn’t the top student. He was 3rd and she demanded from me to tell her who the top 2 were and their results. She also asked me to recheck the marking on her son’s test papers. This was only in primary 1.
  4. Not a teacher, but I have a friend who is. She teaches primary school (will leave out some details to let her remain anonymous).
    She said she once received a request from a parent who wanted to have a serious conversation with her about their son being targeted by other students in school. The parent was claiming some other classmates were physically assaulting her son. She took it seriously and set up a meeting with her HOD, discipline master, the mother and the kid to discuss it.
    At the meeting, the kid’s mother came in full force, threatening the school and asking how this could happen, saying she will go to MOE, etc. The higher-ups tried to assuage her concerns, said they would investigate and took it very seriously; they have no tolerance for such behavior, etc.
    Meanwhile, my friend is sitting there thinking- the mom didn’t even name one example. So she spoke up and asked what actually happened so they can investigate properly.
    The answer- another student stole his correction tape. That’s it. When asked who, the boy answered he wasn’t sure because he had come home and it wasn’t in his pencil case. He could have just lost it.
    The mom thought this constituted a “physical attack” on the boy.
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