I work as an Insurance agent and as you guys know, being in the insurance industry is very competitive.
Being competitive means that people would think of all sorts of ways to give themselves an edge to be able to achieve more sales.
Some insurance agents spend a lot on marketing while some agents spend a lot on entertaining their clients.
For myself, I choose to spend on revealing clothes to dress myself up so that I can ‘put half ball’ when meeting my potential insurance male clients.
One of my insurance colleagues have tried this before in the past and it really gave her a lot of sales, parachuting from almost nothing to achieving her MDRT in just a few months after she used this method.
Bumped into her father one day while wearing a revealing dress to meet client
My father has always been more traditional and believes that as girls, we should dress more modestly.
One day while I was wearing my new dress that showed more than ‘half ball’ while trying to sell insurance to one of my clients, I bumped into my father outside.
This was the first time that he saw me and my ‘half ball’ and I could see that while he was angry, he did not know where to put his eyes.
My potential insurance client that was with me could sense the awkwardness but his eyes were still glued to my ‘half ball’, which angered my father even further.
After I got home from my insurance meeting, he screamed at me and refused to talk to me thereafter.
We are now more okay but I still don’t think that I did anything wrong and would continue to ‘put half ball’ when meeting my insurance clients.
Image source: Unsplash