I’m 25 but due to genetics I didn’t have a choice in, I look like I’m 35 so I started telling people I’m 45 so I get treated better and I’m telling you I should have started doing this when I was 15.
Female. I don’t smoke tobacco (I did for like 2 months when I was 19 and haven’t touched them since). I don’t smoke anything really.
I very rarely drink, maybe less than 5 times a year on average. I eat clean, drink plenty of water, moisturize, work out, stay out of the sun for long periods of time, etc. I have done everything under the moon to be healthy.
But because of hereditary genetics, I have gigantic bags under my eyes, an elongated face due to my bone structure, and visible pores. I have never heard someone say I look young.
People constantly ask me if I’m tired (I’m really not). I just got so sick of being self conscious about this I just started telling everyone new that I meet that I’m 20 years older than I really am so I look like an older woman that took really good care of themselves.
I moved to a different area and I’m not on social media so that made it easy to get away with it.
I cannot believe how right about my insecurities I was. I get treated better. Moral of the story, if you look young, cherish it because you’re more privileged than you know.