My boyfriend and I like to watch VIDEOS together. While I prefer western videos, he always watches Japanese ones. Which is a serious turn off to me.
I’m really amazed at how beautiful Jap girls are. Flawless fair skin, big doe eyes and woah their bodies always make me feel like I should go on a diet. Appearance wise these Japanese girls make Singaporean girls like me look like a potato. Not even french fry standard, just a mouldy unskinned potato.
But that’s not the problem I have. The real issue is how the men in these videos are always some bald, fat and ugly lao tiko uncle. Like come on la I don’t want to see some hot chick getting banged by some coffee shop ah gong, I want to see an equally good looking guy with muscles with her!!!
I read somewhere that ugly men are casted in JAVs because the viewers (usually men) also see themselves as being devastatingly unattractive and hence can better relate to them. Also having s*x with a girl out of their league is a wild fantasy of theirs. So come on la men all over the world, please increase ur self esteem so that directors will cast better looking guys inside.
Sincerely, a girl sick of watching ugly old beer bellied balding men