Honestly, i feel very confused about my current relationship now, i have met my current boyfriend during my secondary school days.. We broke up and patched up quite a few times (Most of the time i initiated the convo) many of my peers also told me to move on from him as he was stingy, selfish and he ended things off with me the past 2 times.
I often feel like it was a one-sided relationship. I’m always the one planning dates, finding new places to go, paying more than 70% for most of our meals (as he claims he does not have the financial means & mentions that i am more well to do than him), paying more on hotels and air tickets when we travel together but he can spend 40-42k on a rolex watch without thinking much..
He also never wishes me or plans dates during anniversary and doesn’t spend any money on my birthday gift. When i usually fork out money to purchase presents for him every 2-3 months..
I know i’m not supposed to expect anything back since i gave the gifts willingly.
But there was once when i was badly ill and told him to fetch me to the nearby clinic to bring me to the doctor as i was really weak and sick, he continued his sleep and i took a grab down myself (even though it was a 10 mins drive)
I’ve been keeping all these feelings to myself and thinking if one day he will reciprocate back all the things i have done for him.. I’m starting to have second thoughts on my relationship with him and thinking if i should break it off but at the same time i just can’t let him go as he was my first boyfriend and i’m not sure if i would be able to find anyone whom can click well with me.
What should i do?
Here are what netizens think:
- You are paying for the price of your relationship because you are the one who just needs someone to be there in your life. Even if he tried to break up twice, you still cling on to this relationship. Do you think…you will want to marry a selfish guy who doesn’t seem to love you at all? Then, nobody can help you sis. By the way, I don’t believe in “first love” or “first boyfriend”. The idea of first love is all about experiencing that should teach you to do better for your next love. Choose wiser, be treated better and be loved honestly. First love is meant to teach us something that we can laugh about our innocence when we were young. It shouldn’t last forever, otherwise we will call it “the only love”. Now, love yourself a little better and you will know what to do with your 1st love. Take care sis
- Yes you can start planning ways to break away from him. Maybe you can try fading out from his life. E.g. lesser and lesser contact? If he doesnt contact you, you don’t have to contact him. You can occupy your week or free time with work or pursuing your hobbies/ interests or hang out with other friends. If he happen to ask you out, just reply “i’m really busy recently. My month is full. The next free slot is about 4 weeks later.”
- Don’t ever think you can change a guy, don’t compromise to be with a guy who doesn’t even have basic respect for you.
- Means you not worth it la, if u so valuable to him he sure make u more happy.