I’ve been in a relationship for 10 years and I just found out that I’m positive for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Did he cheat on me?
We had a rough time and we broke up several times this year, but he’s always assured me that he never cheated on me (edit: or have any intimate contact with anyone else before and after I told him the test results) and it was great between us lately.
So it was a shock for me to find out the results. I’m asymptomatic I guess but I’m afraid I’ve had it for several months or years and that I am infertile because of him.
The only other person I’ve slept with in my life was over 10 years ago, so I doubt I had it first.
And I guess it’s unlikely to catch it without having intercourse.
I told him and he seems panicked to have it too but didn’t confess anything.
I don’t know what to think.
Netizens’ comments
- Reread what you typed out and tell me
- “We broke up several times” yeah that told me everything I need to know.
- It’s not cheating if you broke up
- Get treated. He needs to be tested and treated. Chlamydia can be dormant for years. That’s not the case with gonorrhea. So yes, he is the likely source.
- How did he phrased things about broken up time? Did he say he did not sleep with anyone or did he say he didn’t cheat? Technically, if he slept with others while you weren’t together, he didn’t cheat.
- It’s not cheating if you were broken up. Since you describe it as cheating, I’m guessing it’s common in your relationship to be on and off. If that’s so, ask yourself why you are together if you can’t stay together.