Girlfriend[f23] wants me[m26] to get fat
So my gf and I met 3 months ago, she is a bit chubby and I’m a muscular guy who’s been lifting 3-4 days a week for 2 years and started boxing since a month.
I have a good physique, wide shoulders and big chest etc. I’m around 15% bodyfat and planning to cut to the 12% range to remove the excess fat for boxing.
It’s good to note that I’m not fitness obsessed and I rarely mention nutrition and fitness during our conversations, I also always tell her that I’m happy about her body and that I like her as she is.
However, since the last week she is telling me to drop the muscles and gain fat, she says she likes me but she would like me to have a bigger belly, after I told her I’m planning to cut more she joked that if I do she will leave me.
For the first time I feel insecure about my body that I been working on for a long time. I already told her I’m not going to change myself and thats who I am.
Any advice of what should I do? I love her so much but this topic is bothering me a lot
Netizens’ comments
- 3 months in and she is already trying to dictate what you should do about your body? She is probably insecure herself, but it is no excuse to threaten you with leaving if you don’t do what she wants. Call her bluff, leave her and find yourself someone better
- Dude love yourself better.
She’s already told you the conditions of her love for you.
Sometimes people are incompatible. She gets no say regarding your body. - Hold firm and continue your fitness routines. There could be multiple reasons why she feels the way she does about your body and none of them are any of your concern.
- Her insecurities don’t get to dictate your body. If you wanna be a buff ripped lad, you do you. If she wanted to be a little chubby, she can do that without you.