There’s 3 of us in this story. I’ll just call the other two friends A and B cos idk how else to name them.
Basically, the three of us have been close friends since secondary school. (all 18 now) We got closer as a trio over the past 2 years with me and friend A being pretty much best friends that text everyday and hang out frequently since we’re also in the same school till now.
Recently, we were at our part time job working together. Friend A is typically not very onz at work and was legit slacking off that day. Friend B and I obv were kinda pissed cos we were doing all the work so we joked around calling her a slacker and saying we’ll split half her pay among the two of us. Despite that she continued slacking off and we went on with the jokes about splitting her pay etc. Next thing we know she’s showing us black face and then she tells the manager she’s “sick” and goes home.
Now, it’s been like 3 days but we’re both hidden from her ig stories and she clearly wants nothing to do with us (muted our stories, doesn’t reply texts) apart from me attempting to arrange to meet her so I can finally collect back my 2?3? portable chargers that she keeps forgetting to return me. When we actually do meet it’s gonna be fking awkward and I’m tempted to show attitude back but I know I shouldn’t. It’s just so childish and immature on her end.
I know maybe Friend B and I should’ve been more cautious with our words but I still don’t see how this is something worth her going MIA on us.
I don’t see myself or Friend B being able to apologise or whatsoever because to us she’s the one being petty rn. But we know she won’t budge either bc she’s got too much pride. So much pride that I don’t even see her being able to get past this whole thing even if we do make a move to resolve it.
Tbh, it’s more of her loss if she actually kicks us out of her life bc shes been drifting from other people too so she doesn’t really have a lot of people to surround herself with besides us. I know this, but yet somehow I’m so irked and hurt by the mere fact that she’s seemingly willing to throw away years of friendship and adventures (even future plans like grad trip etc) over something childish like this.
Idk what she expects. Do we have to be the “bigger people” in this? Actually, is this even worth my time? Is the friendship even something worth saving if she seems so willing to blow things up just like that?