I dated a poor guy. We were both from NUS, graduated so in love and very much I n debt.
Blame that on the student loans we had to take. Our dates were mostly hunting for cheap and good hawker food, cooking at home, going shopping in neighbourhood markets, streaming movies online and cuddling.
We didn’t celebrate anniversaries, partly because he couldn’t afford and always refused to have me pay for everything, but mostly as we didn’t bother to remember the dates. For everyday we were together in the past years was special and I would not trade my days with him for any gold or diamonds.
I love my poor boyfriend, except now that he has becomed my debt-free/start-up owner/decent income earner/still extremely hot fiancée. We still don’t celebrate anniversaries, and we still go hunting for cheap deals. He still opens the door for me, pulls out chairs and tells me he loves me everyday.
We just bought our first home together in a pretty condo (missed the HDB income ceiling by a few thousands) and are expecting our first baby in a few months time. Girls, believe in your men.
They might struggle at times but if you love them unconditionally, they would do anything to give you the happy endings you deserve
Here are what netizens think:
- The problem is the dating range of women in singapore have overtly high expectations for men and look down on them despite not being much themselves.
- Hunting for cheap and good hawker food, cooking at home, going shopping in neighbourhood markets and streaming movies online do not equate to being poor. It’s just living simple. Being poor means struggling to put food on table and pay bills on time.
- Not all girls are like you, not all boys are like him. You both got lucky found each other congratulations.
- Congratulations! I married someone who has much lower education than me. Knew him when I were 18 years old. Life was hard than when our $ wasn’t enough. I am glad our life got better as he is a very hard working man. Our life is simple, yet very full filling. This year, at the age of 55, I jave choosen to retire early, focusing on my family. My decision was very well supported by my 2 young adult schooling sons and husband too. Now, I am doing what I like. So to everyone out there, life can be beautifully, if you choose to stay simple. No need the 5Cs!