I had been single for a while and kinda getting bored of being alone and thus the itchy backside me downloaded Tinder again, an app which I told myself not to use after anymore after I graduated from Uni.
After scrolling through the profiles and swiping for a few days, I got a few matches and had kinda hit it off with a girl who is really my type and seems kinda interesting.
Went out for a date with her but kinda screwed the date up
We started talking and after a few days, she suggested that we should meet up. I was excited and agreed.
When the day arrived, I got ready for the date and went to meet her. I saw her waiting for me outside the shop and I waved at her.
She smiled back at me and we went inside the Starbucks which we agreed to meet at. We ordered coffee and started talking. I was trying my best to make a good impression on her but I was feeling a bit awkward and I think she noticed it.
In my moment of awkwardness, I began to start asking her more personal questions thinking that I could still save the day and seal the deal but it obviously did not make things any better.
I noticed that she was getting disinterested and I could tell she was trying to avoid me. I asked her if she wanted to leave and she said yes. I paid the bill and we left.
On the way back, I offered to walk her to her place but she refused. I thought she was mad at me and I felt embarrassed.
Went for a job interview and she was the one interviewing me and obviously I did not get the job
The next day, I got a call from a company for a job interview. I was excited for the interview because I had been wanting to fire my boss for quite a while.
I prepared and went for the interview a few days later and I was surprised to find out that the person interviewing me was the same girl I had gone on a date with.
I was shocked and tried to act as normal as I could but I was really nervous.
I could tell that she recognized me and I could see the disappointment in her eyes when she saw me. The interview went really badly and I knew I hadn’t made a good impression. After the interview, I was sure that I didn’t get the job.
I was really embarrassed and disappointed in myself. I had really liked this girl and had messed up our date, and to make matters worse, I had also messed up my job interview.
So lesson learnt, tread carefully with whoever because you will never know how they could impact your lives.