I get aroused by my job? I (24f) have discovered that I get incredibly aroused when I’m working because…well I really love my job.
I’ve always had some “wires crossed” in my brain where general excitement (e.g. being really happy or interested in something) can switch on the aroused part of my brain despite not even thinking about intercourse.
I won’t say what my exact job is but it involves an element of coding, spreadsheets and general number/problem solving bits and if I’m working on developments or process changes I get very intensely excited and sometimes have to have a short break to calm down.
It’s totally uncontrolled but I’ve really enjoyed my work the last few weeks as I’m taking on some more responsibilities, therefore it’s gotten worse!
It doesn’t affect my work as I can usually ignore it, but I’m wondering if anyone else feels something similar? I’m not “attracted” to any of it, I just can’t help the way my body reacts?!
I also have the same problem whilst listening to music!