Guy I was dating got me pregnant on purpose, then I find out he’s married.
He then blocks me. I found his address & I want to tell his wife about the kid and I. I was in school for my cdls and have to rethink my whole future.
It’s too late to abort & I can’t do it alone. Would I be wrong to tell?
Netizens comments
- Get all of your proof in order – texts, emails, gifts, receipts, etc. Practice what you will say and how you want to word it – keeping in mind – he is a HORRIBLE person but the wife and kid are not.
Brace for a bad reaction from the wife and be ok with leaving copies of proof with her, along with your number, for when she is ready.
Get advice from a lawyer on child support or adoption (if you feel you can’t do it alone).
- You’re totally in the right to tell
- You are not wrong to tell. Be careful with the words you use with his wife, show her all the proof for what he did (especially the forced pregnancy !)
- You owe it the wife to tell her anyway. Not to mention to our child so he may one day know of his possible siblings