A girl shared how she heard rumours about a co-worker liking her, and when he was leaving the company, she gave him a gift.
He then texted her to thank her, and she replied but he stopped replying her.
Here is the story:
“Hello guys please help a confused soul out here
So basically, I joined a new company 2 months ago and there’s this male coworker at work who showed signs of interest in me, such as asking my coworker whether I am single, asking for my number (but didn’t call or text me), stealing glances at me etc.
This week was his last week so I gave him some chocolates and a note for farewell and he texted me to thank me. so I replied him but he ignored my texts and double tick me?! (they weren’t just “you’re welcome” texts but more which I believe can be replied to)
Right now I’m genuinely SO CONFUSED?? and it makes me wonder if I’m being shameless and taking those actions (finding out if I’m single, asking for my number, and stealing glances at me) as signs of interest…
so guys, would you do those things if you’re not interested in someone? :’)
Oh and also, I could tell that he was trying to avoid me this week which was so weird because I didn’t think I did anything that turned him off or anything and things were perfectly fine a week ago
Since when are guys so confusing…”
Editor’s note: Clearly he doesn’t like you lol