I had been joblesss for a couple of months when I finally found a job and was on the hunt for friends. So when a group of people from work invited me out one night, I graciously accepted.
They ended up taking me to a bar that was focused around blasting really loud music and dancing. Not my scene, but whatever..
Put my phone into my bra
I’m desperate for human contact and want to have a good time. I find my way to the bar, have a couple of drinks, and join some girls on the dance floor.
This is an appropriate time to mention that I made the mistake of bringing in only my ID, money, lipstick, and my phone. Since I barely knew these people at the time, I felt compelled to bring in my phone even though I had no where to store it.
I thought, “Whatever, I’ll just stick it in my bra for the night.”
It was hotter than balls in that bar and after about 20 minutes showing off the best dance moves I have, I decided to step outside and take a breather. I pull my phone out once I get outside, wipe it on my skirt, and attempt to turn it on.
Phone damaged by her ‘chest’ perspiration
The screen turns white, glitches, and then immediately the screen is black. Panic sinks in when minutes pass by and I realize that it isn’t going to turn on. My phone had been ruined by my chest sweat.
I decided to not tell my new friends that night because I didn’t want to seem like a loser, but I did eventually tell them about it.
That night, I went home and put the my phone in a bowl of rice, but it was too late.
I got myself another smart phone after that but I learned a hard lesson that night – my chest sweat is lethal.