Sisters with husbands/boyfriends, I need some help here.
My boyfriend and I are having cold war now because he says I’m being crazy and unreasonable for stopping him from meeting my friends.
Last Friday we were supposed to have dinner with my friends so they can meet my boyfriend for the first time and then this guy had the cheek to show up in hall jersey, shorts and slippers!!
We are meeting my friends at an atas restaurant not kopitiam okay?! I was so angry that I went home straight and told my friends I had to OT so I couldn’t meet them.
Luckily I met up with him first before meeting them if not I cannot imagine the embarrassment I’ll face if I let friends see him like this. What the F it’s the first time he’s meeting them and he cannot even bother to put on something nicer meh??
Whenever we meet his friends, I always make sure I dress up so he got face, why must he do this to me? I’m not expecting him to dress until very formal but just appropriately to go to restaurant, like this very unreasonable meh??????
Until now he still doesn’t realise his fault and still thinks I’m the crazy one kicking up a fuss. Wtf every time I think about it I become more angry.
Here are what netizens think:
- You don’t act one kind la, need clothes to show that you are atas
- Aiya, I got 8 digit in my bank account I also wear slipepr and shorts. Whatever makes him comfortable more important mah
- Some people pride themselves so much until destroy their own relationship