My partner of 6 years uninvited me to an event and I feel heartbroken.
I’ll preface this by saying I love being social and going out, but sadly don’t have many friends who want to do this.
I’ve always asked my partner to join me for a night out – dinner, dancing, music, etc. but he always said it wasn’t his thing.
So recently he started a new job, in the field of his degree. It’s a female-dominated area so I always knew he’d make more female friends.
But since he graduated, he’s been going out more and more with these girls (and a few of their partners).
I’ve met the new friends a handful of times and we’ve hit it off, he said they love me.
One of the girls invited us to her party this weekend, and I RSVP’d saying I’d love to go. He then tells her I can’t go and tells me he doesn’t want me there because “it’s not my scene”.
He’s recently started drinking. He says he’ll be “fine” so he can blow off steam. But I feel so heartbroken that he doesn’t want me there, we even got into an argument because I said I’d love to go, and he told me to get my own friends.
It hurts because I was actually invited by the friend. We’ve been together for so long, talked about children and weddings. Feels like another failed relationship for me.