er… there is a lot to unpack here I am 22 years old and he is 24. Last night I saw the Tinder app on his phone and asked to see it. He then rolled onto the floor and death gripped the phone to his chest and told me I couldn’t see his phone.
So I asked if the app is what I think and he said yes. So I’m crying and called my sister to get me. And once I leave his home he follows me and starts telling me that he was just looking for friends.
I ask again to see the app he says no I said well if I’m overreacting then there should be something to prove me wrong. Or some mention that he had a girlfriend or something. And he said no and I said so the conversation was more flirtatious and he says he talks to every girl like that and at that point, he’s crying and said if we are going to break up over an app that he wants me to know he loves me.
But then he said he was talking to someone but they’re just friends ( we also met on tinder. While he had a girlfriend ( I didn’t know )and we were just friends until they broke up)
and when I reminded him of that he immediately got extremely angry at me and told me to go pack my stuff and called me a crybaby. So I don’t know what else I’m supposed to think. He only showed me the messages ( only a few of them) after I left to my parents home. Now obviously I don’t believe any of this. They always say you lose them how you get them.
But I did download tinder and I found his account and it did say he was only looking for friends. We do live together. I’m not sure what to do about this.
Because even in the extremely unlikely off chance that nothing is going on, he still disrespected me by calling me a crybaby and pretending to be a victim.
Here are what netizens think:
- Yep, he is cheating. No question about it. If it were nothing or playing then he would have showed his phone. Clearly he isn’t emotionally ready for a committed monogamous relationship. Just understand that this is all about him and nothing about you.
- Look, even if his tinder said he was “just looking for friends” I’m calling BS. People who are looking for friends use apps designed for that purpose. Tinder is a hookup app. Regardless of what his profile says. I can make a tinder profile rn claiming I’m the virgin Mary. You still use tinder to hook up. That’s what it’s for.
- If he wasn’t cheating, he would just show you his profile and conversations.