I once broke my arm and my parents didn’t do anything for days
I had once fallen off my bicycle and i broke my arm, I was in a lot of pain and there was a swelling in the area for almost 3 days,
my dad and mom just kept dismissing my pain as me being dramatic, i didn’t even get an Xray for several days and was expected to do my daily activities like my arm didn’t hurt.
This one experience was the worst 5 days of my life and my parents later blamed me for my own misfortune by saying that I always cried for even the smallest things and that they would’ve had no ways to know if I was actually hurt or not.
I was only taken to the doctor after 5 days when the swelling didn’t subside and I was later put in a plaster cast after i has a minor surgery to approximate the bones.
My parents laugh at me whenever I bring this up and sometimes they even make jokes about it. I don’t know if they’ll ever know how much it hurt me and how much their negligent actions continued to hurt me even as an adult.
But I hope that someday they’ll apologise to me.