Laid off, $3 in bank, rent in three days
Got laid off and had major expenses at the same time. Can’t get approved for personal loan and my credit is bad.
I’ve made job hunting a full time job for the past month, including jobs outside my field. Even unskilled food service jobs are either flaky or hyper competitive here.
Primary skillset, software/web development. Been applying to literally hundreds of roles, including generic office admin roles. Also looking for landscaping, barista, etc. type jobs. Even looking into sales roles.
What are my (ethical) options, if any?
Netizens’ comments
- Might be able to find a temp agency that can get you a labor job and paid same day per day.
- Call your landlord asap. Don’t wait until the day rent is due. Tell them you’ve had some emergencies and are hoping they can help you out. Don’t demand anything, be humble and ask for their help.
Try to sell anything you don’t need online. Even stuff like furniture. You can worry about getting replacements after you get back on your feet.
Keep looking for work obviously. Don’t be afraid to walk into places that are hiring with your resume.
If you have a ride, something like food delivery might be a quick way to make a few dollars.
Sorry you’re in this situation, keep grinding and you’ll figure it out. - What software experience do you have? Might be able to find a quick contract job on like
- Temp agencies are pretty solid – try looking around for some. That’s how I got into my current company.
- If you haven’t already look for jobs outside of your area that you can work remotely. They are competitive right now but you may get lucky
- Don’t just send in paper applications, call the companies directly, email the hiring managers directly, send messages and connection requests to the recruiters via LinkedIn.