Increasing spam call from property agents
I’ve been getting so many calls from random property agents it’s damn annoying, like a few times a week. Most recently today one from propnex called just to ask if I have any property for sale or rent.
I asked where they got my number and they said they got it from a “database of homeowner”, and I don’t even own a house.
When I asked and pushed is this legal that you somehow got my number from a database and call me to solicit she just kept saying “I’m not selling anything” like it matters.
Is there any way I can stop this from happening??
Netizens; comments
- Register for DNC (do not call) registry. If they still call, get their details and report to PDPC.
- Just say the magic words every time you get a call from them.
“My number is on the Do Not Call list. Any further calls from you will be reported to PDPC directly. This call is being recorded.” - The agent is bullsh-g, whether she is selling or not, she is technically counted as a business (calling as a property agent), so the action is B2C (biz to consumer)
As for the database, there’s shit companies out there maintaining and updating a list of phone numbers that are “safe” to call (they of course make money from all the agents and their companies who want to cold call, disgusting…)
As the other commenter said, register for DNC (legit property agent companies are super scared about contravening this measure, so you won’t get calls in future, unless you gave consent to be contacted, i.e. fill some form online/in person) - iphone has a setting to automatically block any incoming calls from numbers not on your contact list. i have it on all the time except when im expecting unknown callers
- for years i have been receiving sms from propnex asking for sales or rent of my property.
i tried to bait them once by replying them i have a unit available for rent, few days later i received a call from a property agent (not from propnex) but the number wasn’t listed in CEA