Is defaulting and missing IPPT/RT considered a criminal offense?
So I legit forgot (it slipped out of my mind) to attempt IPPT for reservist last year due to heavy commitments in both school and work, and would like to know if this is a criminal offense.
I believe that this is like under military jurisdiction/law and would only be made known to SAF and not the employers right??
What happens if an organization (e.g. educational organization) asks me to declare my criminal record?
I mistakenly declared my IPPT as a criminal offense (which i don’t think it is???) and am kinda in a tight spot rn because it seems that the org. is not giving me a placement due to my declaration
Netizens’ comments
- Ya, I missed my IPPT and I am now wanted by INTERPOL and on the run from the CIA, FBI, MI6, Justice League and Avengers.
- Not criminal offence la. Just go CMPB, tell your sob story and say sorry. If you heng, occifer give you warning only.
Not heng, $50-200 fine depending on his mood. Just say thank you sir and walk out. Scan paynow qr code that the MP give you and move on with your day. - got charged once during my undergrad days as I skipped ippt for a year due to the curriculum workload. Had to report to a junior disciplinary officer at cmpb and got off with a warning, plus an instruction to attempt ippt within the next 3 months.
Had another friend who defaulted a few times, ignored all the red letters, and was eventually charged by the CO when he went for ICT. Think he got a fine too, but was a pitiable amount that he even laughed at it.
Definitely not a criminal offense. - Kena charge once for not going to IPPT, ended up paying fine of 50 bucks. SPF btw.
- I kena charged before for defaulting. IIRC you get penalised more the more you default:
They gave everyone a chance in 2020/2021 because everyone was dying even before exercise already lol - you so busy you cannot take even 11 days in 1 year? just attend, fail, do 10 NS FIT sessions, repeat.