My [25M] GF[21F]’s dad is a control freak and threatened to murder me if I didn’t break up with his daughter.
I told her if she wants to continue the relationship she needs to stop mentioning that we’re dating to any of her friends (who are in contact with dad), but she continued to. Help
Basically I told GF that she can’t mention that we’re still dating to any of her family because it goes up to dad and he gets pissed off.
I’ve already blocked him wherever possible as he’s sent several threats and tells me he’s got “a thing” in his daughter’s room and knows we’re still talking.
I think that’s just bluff and he only knew because we would have calls and GF’s mom and brother (who live separate from dad) heard and reported it to him.
Now we only text but apparently she told her friend that we’re still dating. I’m at my wit’s end because I told her many times to stop antagonizing her dad and yet she continues to.
Should I break up with her? I can’t be dealing with the family crap anymore. I’m supposed to go visit in a few months but I’m not sure I want to know her dad or his goons might come after me.
Netizens’ comments
- Yeah, the juice is not worth the squeeze here. I’d dip out before things get even messier. She’s probably half dating you just to make her dad angry.
- Yes you should break up with her. A father that threatens to kill you is crazy town. How on earth is she not going to be messed up from that. Your gf can become your wife pretty quick, and you don’t want to marry into that. That’s a show stopper for me. You want to spend your holidays and special occasions with that clown show?
- Your options are to dump her or try and get a restraining order against her dad.
- One thing is obvious: hiding the relationship from her dad is not going to be an effective strategy long term. You planning on not inviting him to the wedding? I think he’ll notice.